Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Lab (AICV)
About Us
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision lab (AICV) is to enhance and modernize the field of biomedical research by providing new technologies to the research community. The objective of the AICV lab is to promote interdisciplinary teaching and research by developing new technologies and software tools, providing hands-on experience for students, bringing more faculty into research, and fostering multidisciplinary internal and external collaborations.

Recent News:
(1/19/2021) Two students (Yang, Zilong and Cheung, Tino) join AICV lab as co-op students
(10/16/2020) Professor Ming Zhang Selected for the Henry C. Lord Professorship, a three-year appointment starting on January 1, 2021. An endowed professorship is one of the highest honors that is bestowed upon faculty.
(9/8/2020) Two students (Ung, Chi and Blackadar, Jordan) joined AICV Lab as co-op students